Pueblos- ZAPOTEC
CitasNader, Laura. "The Zapotec of Oaxaca." In Ethnology, edited by Robert Wauchope and Evon Z. Vogt, 329. Vols. 7-8 of Handbook of Middle American Indians. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969. https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.proxy.library.upenn.edu/lib/upenn-ebooks/reader.action?docID=4826335&ppg=345.
Nader, Laura. "The Zapotec of Oaxaca." In Ethnology, edited by Robert Wauchope and Evon Z. Vogt, 329. Vols. 7-8 of Handbook of Middle American Indians. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969. https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.proxy.library.upenn.edu/lib/upenn-ebooks/reader.action?docID=4826335&ppg=345.