On June 16, 2023, the Argentine government approved a provincial constitutional reform, sending political and social shockwaves throughout the province of Jujuy, in the north of Argentina. The Originary communities of Jujuy, whose territories are most affected by the constitutional reform, challenged it as a violation of national and international treaties and because it was approved in a closed-doors vote that involved no consultation. The reform had been rushed; the people had been afforded no participation. In response, the Originary communities of Jujuy launched our “Third Malón of Peace.” In this video, we aim to document this historic event, such that it will be part of the ancestral memory of future generations of Jujuy’s Originary peoples. Moreover, we want to make visible the way human rights have been violated in the province of Jujuy during and after the constitutional reform, events that have been silenced by mainstream media. Lastly, disputing the hegemonic narratives that would render invisible our wisdom, ways of creating knowledge, and very selves, we seek to break with predjudice. We dare to create from our cosmovision and from our history, present, and future.