MACONI is the testimony of Salvador González, an immigrant of Mexican origin from the mining area of Cadereyta, Querétaro, who has lived in the suburbs of Philadelphia for more than two decades. His reflection on life is direct, honest, hard, but full of hope. In the short film, Salvador addresses the challenges that the immigrant community has, the violence to which it is subject, and gives us a counter-narrative that challenges the versions that criminalize the immigrant community in the United States. Instead, the film shows a community full of talent that advances with creativity and love for life.
This short film is part of the “Villa Inmigrante” collection, created and produced by Obed Arango, who visited the area between 2021 and 2023, to interview residents, record, and photograph them.
Credits: Obed Arango, director; Inteview with Salvador by Obed Arango, David Villalvazo Rodríguez y Miguel Grimaldos García
A documentary film supported by the “Just Futures” initiative from UPenn and the Mellon Foundation in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Latin American Studies, and with the Independence Public Media Foundation.
Produced by the Center for Culture, Art, Labor, and Education (CCATE)/ REVARTE.